[Samba] Samba 4.16 and 4.17 ubuntu focal and jammy packages
Matthias Kühne | Ellerhold AG
matthias.kuehne at ellerhold.de
Fri Oct 28 12:57:53 UTC 2022
Hello MJT and fellows,
we're now using the backports repository in debian bullseye for Samba 4.16.
Just adding the repo to the apt sources.list doesnt work because by
default the priority of testing package is below 500.
What we did is to pin the packages to priority 500, The big question is:
which packages are needed ?! I'm currently using this list:
libgfapi0, libgfrpc0, libgfxdr0, libglusterfs0, libldap-2.4-2, libldb2,
libnss-winbind, libpam-winbind, libsmbclient, libtalloc2, libtdb1,
libtevent0, libwbclient0, python3-ldb, python3-samba, python3-talloc,
python3-tdb, samba*, smbclient, tdb-tools, winbind
What I did was "apt install -t bullseye-backports samba" and noted which
packages "held back the install" and added it to the list.
Is there an easy way to determine which package I'd have to install from
bpo for samba?
That was easier with louis repo because I could have faith that only
necessary packages were in his repo and therefore installed.
Thanks and have a nice weekend,
Matthias Kühne.
Am 28.10.22 um 12:43 schrieb Kees van Vloten via samba:
> On 28-10-2022 12:36, Rowland Penny via samba wrote:
>> On 28/10/2022 11:20, Kees van Vloten via samba wrote:
>>> Because a single repo means a single repo-index with a single Samba
>>> version. Any apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade has the risk of
>>> going to a different Samba version. I want that for *all* packages
>>> except Samba.
>>> Of course apt-pinning helps, but it has another risk: a re-install
>>> in case of some other issue fails due to pinned version no longer in
>>> repo (so the problem of fixing a machine is worsened by having to
>>> upgrade it a the same time).
>>> The only way I see this working (but maybe I am mistaken) is to have
>>> a repo-index per Samba version, i.e. multiple repos, one for each
>>> Samba version. That would mean 2 repos: current version (4.17),
>>> previous version (4.16), I can flip the sources.list per
>>> domain-controller at the moment I want to upgrade that
>>> domain-controller.
>> There is nothing stopping you setting up a local repo just containing
>> the Samba packages.
>> Before Michael took over the Debian Samba maintenance, Samba on
>> Buster was very much in the doldrums, it seemed to stick at 4.9.5 for
>> ever. No doubt it got security patches etc, but it never changed
>> version and there wasn't a later version available.
>> Bullseye came out with Samba 4.13.x and for a while it looked like
>> this was going to be Buster all over again. However, Michael has
>> provided 4.16.x packages via backports (something that I am very
>> grateful for) and it looks like that eventually the backport packages
>> will be replaced by 4.17.x packages.
>> Lets be honest, Michael could have stopped there, but he hasn't, he
>> is now providing Samba packages for Ubuntu (something that Ubuntu
>> doesn't seem capable/want to do).
>> I think that everyone should be grateful for everything that Michael
>> is doing, one man can only do so much.
>> Rowland
> I can't agree more, Michael is helping out in a great way.
> I do appreciate that very much!
> Indeed setting up a private repo and copy the package versions from
> backports at the moment I want them is a way to solve my issue. I have
> been thinking about that.
> The reason I am asking Michael is that he providing the exact solution
> to my issue for Ubuntu.
> - Kees.
Matthias Kühne
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