[Samba] Windows 11 22H2 and Samba-AD 4.15 Kerberos login issue
Jakob Curdes
jc at info-systems.de
Thu Oct 27 20:53:56 UTC 2022
Hello Andrew, hello all,
any news on this? Meanwhile I observed the identical behavior for the
W10 22H2 upgrade rolled out recently. We had to block this upgrade for
several customers to avoid service disruption.
And most admins -like me- try to stick to distribution sources, so on
e.g. Ubuntu 20 there is no easy option to upgrade to 4.16, as there is
neither a fix in 4.15 that could be distributed by ubuntu nor a 4.16
version e.g. in the repos by Louis van Belle. So this would be an
important fix that will also be useful for many NAS vendors etc.
If I can help getting this further with testing etc. (I am no developer)
please let me know.
Jakob Curdes
Am 20.10.2022 um 09:17 schrieb Andrew Bartlett via samba:
> Regarding the below:
> On Mon, 2022-10-17 at 16:09 -0700, Mason Schmitt via samba wrote:
>> I'd like to add a few more details and symptoms, in the hope that it
>> mighthelp others who are running into this issue, but may not know it
>> yet.
>> At this time, in order to prevent further disruption, we have
>> prevented allour PCs from upgrading to either Win11 22H2 or Win10
>> 22H2. We're stillapplying security patches of course, just not these
>> feature packs.
>> How to resolve the issue------------------------------------At this
>> time, I'm not aware that any of the common Linux distro LTSversions
>> are supplying a version of Samba, in which this issue has
>> beenresolved (unless you consider rolling distros like Arch)**. As
>> Rowland haspointed out, it's possible to get 4.16.5 for Debian
>> Bullseye fromBackports. Of course there are third party commercial
>> packages available.
> I've uploaded tested patches to the bug at
> https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15197 id="-x-evo-selection-start-marker">
> Andrew Bartlett
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