[Samba] SPNEGO cannot find mechanisms to negotiate
Matthias Kühne | Ellerhold AG
matthias.kuehne at ellerhold.de
Thu Oct 27 06:05:50 UTC 2022
Hello Samba people,
we've recently upgraded our debian bullseye AD-DCs from 4.15 (louis
repo) to 4.16 (backports). We're using the BIND_DLZ with Bind 9.16.33.
Somehow the samba_dnsupdate broke. We're running
"/usr/sbin/samba_dnsupdate --all-names" every hour (is this even
recommended?). In pre 4.16 this works correctly.
Now this error is printed:
"tkey query failed: GSSAPI error: Major = Unspecified GSS failure.
Minor code may provide more information, Minor = SPNEGO cannot find
mechanisms to negotiate." (28 times to be exact).
Just calling samba_dnsupdate without --all-names doesnt print anything.
Using --all-names and --use-samba-tool leads to this error message:
"ERROR: Record already exists; record could not be added.
zone[ad.ellerhold.lan] name[rad-2]" (28 times to be exact).
Does this mean everything is already correct and hes still trying to add
new records?
Is it necessary to call the samba_dnsupdate with --all-names hourly?
I've read somewhere to do this to fix some weird problems. Or any other
combination of the switches (--all-names and --use-samba-tool)
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Have a nice day, Matthias Kühne.
Matthias Kühne
Senior Webentwickler
Ellerhold Aktiengesellschaft
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