[Samba] editing samba-share ACLs etc from Windows
Stefan G. Weichinger
lists at xunil.at
Thu Oct 20 12:14:37 UTC 2022
Am 20.10.22 um 13:14 schrieb Rowland Penny via samba:
> On 20/10/2022 12:04, Stefan G. Weichinger via samba wrote:
>> Am 20.10.22 um 11:13 schrieb Rowland Penny via samba:
>>>> # Use settings from AD for login shell and home directory
>>>> winbind nss info = template
>>> That is interesting, mainly because you are using the idmap 'rid'
>>> backend, you can only use rfc2307 attributes from AD if you use the
>>> idmap 'ad' backend, so you might as well remove those two lines.
>>>> template shell = /bin/bash
>>>> template homedir = /mnt/samba/Daten/%U
>> The lines above or below your comment?
> The lines 'above', I would have said 'these' if I meant the lines
> 'below', unless I was having another senior moment :-D
So I remove this:
>>>> # Use settings from AD for login shell and home directory
>>>> winbind nss info = template
> I suggest you add a 'test' share following the wikipage I pointed to
> earlier and see if that works.
will do a bit later today. I think I even have one already for testing a
>>> You didn't post the share permissions I asked for, is it possible you
>>> can do so ?
>> Where do I take these from?
> ls -ld /mnt/samba
Now that was easy:
# ls -ld /mnt/samba/
drwxrwsr-x+ 46 administrator domain users 12288 14. Sep 07:42 /mnt/samba/
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