[Samba] issue joining domain and now logging in
Diego Franchini
diego.tartol at gmail.com
Sat Oct 15 21:02:40 UTC 2022
This is to add some more information and fix some other...
I get the OS for my Pi here:
And I use the *Sid Server* version, as it's the only one that supports
Samba 4.16.5 out of the box.
and in my previous email, the last commands to check if everything is
working, are actually these:
*:~# host -t SRV _ldap._tcp.example.com <http://tcp.example.com>:~# host -t
SRV _kerberos._udp.* *example.com <http://example.com>*
*:~# host -t A SMBDC1.**example.com <http://example.com>*
*:~# sudo kinit Administrator*
Hope it's useful info
Il giorno sab 15 ott 2022 alle ore 22:15 Diego Franchini <
diego.tartol at gmail.com> ha scritto:
> Yes, the resolv.conf is as follows:
> *search fritz.boxnameserver*
> Doing a fresh install of samba with 4.15.9 works, and a fresh install on
> 4.16.5, following the same procedure, doesn't.
> this is what I do:
> *:~# sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade*
> *:~# *
> *nano /etc/hosts*
> *:~# *
> *nano /etc/hostname #to change name of device*
> *:~# *
> *nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf*
> *:~# **apt-get install samba krb5-config krb5-user winbind smbclient
> samba-dsdb-modules samba-vfs-modules*
> the hosts file:
> * localhost# SMBDC1::1 localhost SMBDC1
> ip6-localhost ip6-loopbackfe00::0 ip6-localnetff00::0
> ip6-mcastprefixff02::1 ip6-allnodesff02::2 ip6-allrouters172.27.1.4
> SMBDC1.example.com <http://SMBDC1.example.com> SMBDC1*
> the dhcpdc.conf file:
> *interface eth0static ip_address=
> <>static routers=
> domain_name_servers= domain_search=example.com
> <http://example.com>*
> then I do the following
> *:~# reboot now*
> *:~# rm /etc/samba/smb.conf*
> *:~# rm /etc/krb5.conf:~# rm /var/run/samba/*.tdb:~# rm
> /var/run/samba/*.ldb:~# rm /var/lib/samba/*.tdb**:~#*
> *rm /var/lib/samba/*.ldb:~# rm /var/cache/samba/*.tdb:~# rm
> /var/cache/samba/*.ldb:~# rm /var/lib/samba/private/*.tdb:~# rm
> /var/lib/samba/private/*.ldb:~# samba-tool domain provision --use-rfc2307
> --interactive*
> and follow the guided setup, inputting the same data if 4.15.9 and 4.16.5.
> Then I execute these commands
> *:~# nano /etc/samba/smb.conf*
> *:~# cp /var/lib/samba/private/krb5.conf /etc/krb5.conf:~# systemctl
> disable --now smbd nmbd winbind systemd-resolved:~# systemctl unmask
> samba-ad-dc.service:~# systemctl enable --now
> samba-ad-dc.service:~# samba-tool domain level show:~# reboot now*
> the smb.conf file:
> *# Global parameters[global] dns forwarder =
> netbios name = SMBDC1 realm = EXAMPLE.COM <http://EXAMPLE.COM>
> server role = active directory domain controller workgroup = *
> * idmap_ldb:use rfc2307 = yes host msdfs = yes[sysvol]
> path = /var/lib/samba/sysvol*
> * read only = No[netlogon] path =
> /var/lib/samba/sysvol/frankini.net/scripts <http://frankini.net/scripts>
> read only = No*
> the krb5.conf file:
> *[libdefaults] default_realm = * *EXAMPLE*
> *.COM dns_lookup_realm = false dns_lookup_kdc =
> true[realms]FRANKINI.NET <http://FRANKINI.NET> = { default_domain =
> example.net <http://example.net>}[domain_realm] SMBDC1 = **EXAMPLE*
> *.COM*
> when the PI reboots I set from my router the DNS server to be the same IP
> as the Samba's and then do these tests:
> *:~# host -t SRV _ldap._tcp.gander.bag:~# host -t SRV
> _kerberos._udp.gander.bag:~# host -t A Pi4DC.gander.bag*
> *:~# sudo kinit Administrator*
> If none of these commands result in errors, then it's configured correctly
> and fully working.
> But perhaps you can spot something fishy in these configurations...
> Il giorno sab 15 ott 2022 alle ore 20:11 Rowland Penny via samba <
> samba at lists.samba.org> ha scritto:
>> On 15/10/2022 18:57, Diego Franchini wrote:
>> > On Samba Version 4.16.5-Debian (OS: Armbian 22.08.4 - Linux
>> > 5.19.14-sunxi), I cannot make this command work:
>> >
>> > root at SMBDC1:~# kinit Administrator
>> > kinit: Cannot contact any KDC for realm 'EXAMPLE.COM
>> > <http://EXAMPLE.COM>' while getting initial credentials
>> >
>> > with Samba Version 4.15.9-Ubuntu it works perfectly using the same
>> > setup... Should I change some config files to adapt them to the new
>> > version perhaps?
>> >
>> I wouldn't think so, it works for me on Raspberry pi OS 64bit using
>> 4.16.5 from backports:
>> adminuser at rpidc1:~ $ sudo kinit Administrator
>> Password for Administrator at SAMDOM.EXAMPLE.COM:
>> adminuser at rpidc1:~ $ sudo klist
>> Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
>> Default principal: Administrator at SAMDOM.EXAMPLE.COM
>> Valid starting Expires Service principal
>> 10/15/2022 19:00:01 10/16/2022 05:00:01
>> renew until 10/16/2022 18:59:43
>> Is the first nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf the DC's ipaddress (and not
>> ?
>> Rowland
>> --
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