[Samba] [EXTERNAL] Re: Unable to print, many rpcd_spoolss processes running

Tim ODriscoll tim.odriscoll at lambrookschool.co.uk
Fri Nov 11 20:01:57 UTC 2022

> This issue came back today, I had to kill 494 rpcd_spoolss processes so users could print.
> Has anyone seen anything like this before?

Yes! Except each of my rpcd_spoolss processes are linked to rpcd_winreg processes that hand around and are consuming all my CPU:
 PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                                                                   
24248 root      20   0  969400 261700  18460 S  88.0  0.8 190:44.32 rpcd_winreg                                                                                                               
24250 root      20   0  916688 208984  18460 S  86.4  0.6 135:54.68 rpcd_winreg                                                                                                               
24249 root      20   0  942648 234944  18456 R  84.4  0.7 167:35.69 rpcd_winreg                                                                                                               
24251 root      20   0  890244 182420  18460 R  76.4  0.6 102:11.44 rpcd_winreg                                                                                                               
24252 root      20   0  863700 155876  18456 R  52.8  0.5  72:06.78 rpcd_winreg                                                                                                               
24253 root      20   0  840884 133064  18456 R  43.5  0.4  49:45.30 rpcd_winreg

My investigations into it imply that it's not Samba, it's the Windows 10/11 clients we have. I could be very wrong though..

I thought it might be my printer deployment GPO's, so I removed them and re-made them. That didn't work, so I've now built a clean Rocky9 server and I've redeployed the printers to that. It still gets the odd rpcd_winreg process that loiters around, but it's nothing like as bad as the old server.

My log files indicate rpcd_winreg is constantly being asked to produce a list of printers from rpcd_spoolss, but in the evening when everyone goes home the server load decreases, then increases again in the morning when all the laptops come back online.


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