[Samba] Leaking file descriptors in Version 4.13.17-Ubuntu
L. van Belle
belle at samba.org
Wed Jun 29 13:23:19 UTC 2022
2 more things,
- If these are office files, play a bit with the oplocking settings.
- You can increase the file descriptors within the systemd service files if that’s a problem.
LimitNOFILE= 65536 # should be the default but checkit. This might be 4096
The number of open file descriptors is limited by the physical memory available to the host.
You can determine this limit with the following command:
cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
+ What Rowland said offcourse. 😉
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: samba <samba-bounces at lists.samba.org> Namens Tinco Andringa via
> samba
> Verzonden: woensdag 29 juni 2022 12:24
> Aan: samba at lists.samba.org
> Onderwerp: [Samba] Leaking file descriptors in Version 4.13.17-Ubuntu
> Hi,
> For about 2 weeks, I think since we updated smbd to version Version 4.13.17-
> Ubuntu we have encountered a "too many files open" error. I set out to
> investigate and besides the limit being relatively low (~16500) I noticed a very
> strange set of directory handles allocated by smbd:
> ```
> root at big-data-1:/proc/11929# lsof |grep smbd |grep DIR| awk '{ print $9
> }'|sort| uniq -c
> 15 /
> 16527 /big-data/wachtrij
> 2 /big-data/wachtrij/processing
> 4 /big-data/wachtrij/processing/P-CUSTOMER/Leeuwarden
> 10 /big-data/wachtrij/processing/P-CUSTOMER/WF
> 14 /big-data/wachtrij/processing/WF ```
> There's over 16500 handles open to the root of one of the shares.
> Restarting smbd dropped it to 0, and then over a period of 10 minutes it has
> already increased to a thousand. There's only about 30 machines in this
> network, of which only 10 are actively using this share for rendering projects.
> Most of the clients are running windows, but there are 4 linux clients as well.
> The rendering clients probably make very intensive use of this samba share.
> Is there a known (hopefully fixed) bug in 4.13.17, or is there something
> wrong with our configuration? I am not much of an expert, and I did recently
> blindly followed some performance optimization guides I found by Googling
> around a bit, maybe I did something dumb:
> [global]
> workgroup = WORKGROUP
> server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)
> log level = 1 auth_audit:3 auth_json_audit:3
> log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
> max log size = 1000
> logging = file
> panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
> server role = standalone server
> obey pam restrictions = yes
> unix password sync = yes
> passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
> passwd chat = *Enter\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n
> *Retype\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *password\supdated\ssuccessfully* .
> pam password change = yes
> map to guest = bad user
> usershare allow guests = yes
> allow insecure wide links = yes
> [wachtrij]
> path = /big-data/wachtrij
> valid users = processing,preprocessing
> comment =
> browseable = yes
> writeable = yes
> read only = no
> force create mode = 0660
> force directory mode = 2770
> force user = processing
> force group = processing
> follow symlinks = yes
> wide links = yes
> store dos attributes = no
> ea support = no
> map archive = no
> map hidden = no
> map system = no
> map readonly = no
> If there's no known bugs, and I haven't made any obvious configuration
> mistakes, what's the best way to figure out what's going on, for example if
> the handles are somehow legitimate? I suppose upgrading to the latest
> upstream samba release would be the first step.
> Kind regards,
> Tinco
> --
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