[Samba] Updated samba 4.16.2 RPM build tools at https://github.com/nkadel/samba4repo
vincent at cojot.name
vincent at cojot.name
Sun Jun 19 10:42:48 UTC 2022
Also, it's in the EPEL8 FAQ and the way to get the missing package in
RHEL8 is documented there:
Vincent S. Cojot, Computer Engineering. STEP project. _.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~
Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Comite Micro-Informatique. _.,-*~'`^`'~*-,.
Linux Xview/OpenLook resources page _.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'
http://step.polymtl.ca/~coyote _.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._ coyote at NOSPAM4cojot.name
They cannot scare me with their empty spaces
Between stars - on stars where no human race is
I have it in me so much nearer home
To scare myself with my own desert places. - Robert Frost
On Sun, 19 Jun 2022, Nico Kadel-Garcia via samba wrote:
> Morning:
> I've updated my RPM building tools to samba 4.16.2, with some basic
> smoke testing on RHEL 8, 9, and Fedora 36. RHEL and Fedora are
> publishing more recent libraries for the dependencies, such as libldb.
> But Red Hat doesn't publish the needed python3-libldb-devel package,
> in either RHEL or CentOS, so I''m compelled to include it and set the
> release number somewhat higher to ensure its available for Samba
> builds.
> It's peculiar, because the python3-ldb-devel package is in the
> published .spec file for libldb. Something has to be specifically
> deleting or excluding it from publication in the RHEL software
> channels. I've seen this before for "lmdb-devel", which was only
> available in the "Devel" channel, for software required to build
> Samba. It seems kind of personal when they play these peek-a-boo games
> with software built all at the same time, used internally for building
> other software, but not included in their public repositories.
> At some point, this starts looking like malice, possibly to interfere
> with people like me who compile Samba with full domain controller
> features enabled. Hindering competition with freeipa and the
> complexities of sssd would be really petty, but this has happened
> several times now, and it's gotten suspicious.
> Nico Kadel-Garcia
> --
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