[Samba] Issues configuring Samba
L. van Belle
belle at samba.org
Wed Jun 8 09:15:26 UTC 2022
For now, I recommend to move back to 4.15.7 from my repo.
The current backports isnt that good yet, they work, but due library changes, some things might be off.
And just more changes are coming..
I've seen and builded the latest one from debian Salsa yesterday. *( a 4.16.1-7 and -8 version)
These look good for a release, its not in the debian official repo's yet, but will hit
Debian unstable soon now. * a 4.16.1-8
Im now building the one I'll be releaseing ... finally.
which is basicly ( 4.16.1-8 from Debian Salsa )
* here : https://salsa.debian.org/samba-team/samba
And I've re-enabled libtracker-sparql-2.0-dev to keep Gnome Trackers support enabled.
This is the only "big" difference now between my version and debian-backports version.
And for now I've also added an upcoming patch from Andreas Hasenack, small one but
And option changed, this must be in.
So, Bullseye will be first to be release on my repo with 4.16.1
Stacking the repo's will work better also, more compliant with debian upgrading.
And less packages from my repo.
You have Bullseye, when you need to downgrade.
Remove debian-backports and re-add my repo.
apt remove samba winbind --autoremove
apt install ... what you need to install
And your done.
When upgrading, and you have the default samba from bullseye.
You need bullseye-backports and my repo.
This way all packages needed are from bullseye-backports and
only samba will be upgraded from my repo.
I'll post the it all when its online.
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: samba <samba-bounces at lists.samba.org> Namens Andy Pont via
> samba
> Verzonden: dinsdag 7 juni 2022 18:42
> Aan: samba at lists.samba.org
> Onderwerp: Re: [Samba] Issues configuring Samba
> Jeremy wrote...
> >What version of Samba is this ? This smells to me like the duplicate
> >fileid problem we fixed in the latest 4.15, 4.16.
> smbd --version reports "Version 4.16.1-Debian”. It is installed from the
> version that is available in the Debian bullseye-backports repository.
> It was an issue I discovered when I upgraded to Debian 11 which came with
> 4.13.13 from the regular Debian bullseye repo. It wasn’t an issue with
> whichever Samba version was in Debian 10.
> -Andy.
> --
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