[Samba] Bind Questions I know you are going to ask:
Kees van Vloten
keesvanvloten at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 18:26:42 UTC 2022
Op 03-06-2022 om 17:02 schreef Zombie Ryushu via samba:
> On 6/3/22 10:54, L. van Belle via samba wrote:
>> Well, that bind isnt starting when you remove the flat file zone.
>> that "is" correct. I tell you why that is..
>> what is also to be observced that, you need to replace the entries from
>> flatfile to bind_DLZ.
>> so, why bind_dlz doesn't start, its trying to load a "non-existing"
>> zone.
>> The fix is, threat this as a new install.
>> so, remove smb.conf, stop and provision samba.
>> My thoughts where right here.
>> starting samba without a "provisioned" zone in bind_dlz.
>> now, after you have provisioned this server, repeat on the others.
>> re-read :
>> https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Setting_up_Samba_as_an_Active_Directory_Dom
>> ain_Controller
>> if you need extra servers with dns services. *( Not samba-ad-dc's,
>> because
>> ad-dc's you just join in the domain. ) Just set a forwarding zone to the
>> AD-DC's or slave zones on these other servers.
>> I hope this helps you.
>> Greetz,
>> Louis
>>> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>>> Van: samba <samba-bounces at lists.samba.org> Namens Zombie Ryushu via
>>> samba
>>> Verzonden: vrijdag 3 juni 2022 16:19
>>> Aan: Rowland Penny via samba <samba at lists.samba.org>
>>> Onderwerp: [Samba] Bind Questions I know you are going to ask:
>>> Okay, so I know you will have some questions abound Bind. Let me
>>> answer a few of them for you.
>>> I did re-enable a Flat File Zone just so Bind would start. I also have
>>> a commented out AD Zone that crashes Bind.
>>> I did generate a DNS Keytab with samba-tool export keytab.
>>> Bind won't start if I use the AD Dynamic zone.
>>> --
>>> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
>>> instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
> I don't have the Resources to setup another constantly running system.
> I CAN NOT have two continuously running hardware DNS Servers. I don't
> have enough electrical power for that. I can have spares that I can
> power up occasionally as backups that are offline most of the time.
> I also do not want to create some convoluted Virtualization scheme to
> drain my resources. This is the entire reason I did not want to hand
> DNS over to Samba.
> Additionally I have a bunch of existing users. I will NOT Rip my
> Domain to shreds over this.
Fire up some privileged lxc containers and you can achieve this without
extra hardware. Samba AD-DC and Samba Fileserver will run fine in a
privileged lxc containers.
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