[Samba] several offices: home dirs, local resources, ...

Marco Gaiarin gaio at lilliput.linux.it
Sat Dec 24 15:38:56 UTC 2022

Mandi! Michael Tokarev via samba
  In chel di` si favelave...

I was in exactly your situation. But with only 4 sites.

> This has always worked with NT4-style domains, worked quite well.
> For over 20 years.

Forgot NT4. Forgot the flat domain you are (ab)used with. AD is effectively
hierarchical, and the namespace is unique between all the domain.

So cannot coexist FS in Site A, and FS in site B. As you have understood,
can exist FSA and FSB, if needed.

But now you have 'Site and Services', so you can design the hierarchy of
your domain, and define policy for every domain (so, users in site A get
effectively shares in site A).

Still profiles (and homes) are binded to users, so now they effectively
'roam', but cleraly you can stop that simply adding ACL to file server in
site A, leading access ony to ip in site A (if needed).

  Il ministro dei temporali in un tripudio di tromboni
  auspicava democrazia con la tovaglia sulle mani
  e le mani sui coglioni				(F. De Andre`)

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