[Samba] Mount NFS export over the Internet and export locally using Samba?

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Fri Jun 18 15:30:29 UTC 2021

On 18/06/2021 15:36, Robert Steinmetz via samba wrote:
> I have Linux servers in two locations it has become practical for us 
> to share various files over the Internet for use locally in both 
> locations
> It occurs to me the simplest way to do this is to export the files I 
> want to share via NFS using ssh and limit the export to a single 
> server then share the files using our existing Samba server.

Why use NFS ?

Why not just use SSH ?

Or something like rsync ?

Whatever way you do it, I would only do it over a VPN tunnel.


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