Bastian Sebode
b.sebode at linet-services.de
Tue Jul 6 15:10:42 UTC 2021
Hello Andrew, hello Rowland and hello list,
thanks again very much for the clarification of the user ID mapping process.
On Thursday I will change the configuration to an own mapping range for
the CUSTOMER domain as proposed.
To be honest I still don't understand why this change should fix my
problem with the "NT_STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND" and
"NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND". Though the mappings in the current
configuration are not deterministic, it should still always be the same
in the mapping file while not altered and Samba is running, or not?
I will change the IDs on Thursday and will report on Friday if the
problems has been resolved through this or not.
As you mentioned the documentation: Maybe it is possible to log which
"OBJECT_PATH"/"OBJECT_NAME" was not found. The would probably clarify a lot.
Am 18.06.2021 um 16:38 schrieb Andrew Walker via samba:
> On Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 8:25 AM Rowland penny via samba <
> samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
>> On 18/06/2021 13:08, Andrew Walker via samba wrote:
>>>> idmap config * : range = 3000-7999
>>>> idmap config CUSTOMER : backend = rid
>>>> idmap config CUSTOMER : range = 10000-999999
>>> Won't the idmap setting changes change IDs assigned for AD users? This
>>> change can potentially require re-doing permissions on-disk once you've
>>> made it. You might also want to keep a backup of your winbindd_idmap.tdb
>>> file. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but it's something you will need to
>>> evaluate and keep in mind while making the changes (and do them in a
>>> maintenance window :))
>> Unfortunately, yes it will, but it is an artefact of not correctly
>> setting the 'idmap config' lines in the first place. The OP could find
>> out what ID's the users and groups are using now and then use the 'ad'
>> backend and populate the rfc2307 attributes with the ID's
>> I do wish people would read our documentation before setting up a Unix
>> domain member, it is easier to 'fix' something before it goes into
>> production.
>> Rowland
>> --
>> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
>> instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
> Bastian, the following is not comprehensive, you should definitely read /
> understand relevant documentation and manpages. Winbindd idmap backends
> control how Windows SIDs are converted into Unix user and group IDs.
> Different idmap backends have different strategies for dealing with SIDs.
> Take, for example, the SID for DOMAIN\Administrator S-1-5-21-<domain>-500.
> Your original smb.conf lacked an explicit idmap configuration for the
> domain to which you are joined. This means that the configuration for the
> default domain (idmap config * : range = 10000-40000) is used. In
> this case, contents of winbindd_idmap.tdb will be checked for an
> S-1-5-21-<domain>-500 entry, and if it doesn't exist a new entry will be
> generated based on the current high-water-mark in the tdb file. These get
> allocated on a first-come first-serve basis.
> Rowland's suggestion, which is a very sensible one, is to use idmap_rid.
> The idmapping strategy here is to take the RID (the last component of the
> SID) and add it to the configured low-range for the backend. So in this
> case we know that DOMAIN\Administrator gets 10500.
> Having a deterministic way of mapping SIDs to IDs is a very good thing.
> Think about what will happen if you decide to add a second samba server to
> the AD domain and rsync data between them. If you are using idmap_rid with
> the same configuration options, then the permissions on the files on the
> receiving side will behave identically to what is configured on the source
> server. If you have a non-deterministic strategy, then the situation is
> kind of hopeless.
> Note that this does not mean that idmap_rid is always the correct choice.
> When you are deploying a samba server in an existing AD environment, the
> correct course of action is to figure out the idmapping strategy currently
> in use in the domain. Often the server you are deploying will not be the
> first Linux or FreeBSD server joined to the AD domain. Many domains use
> RFC2307 attributes, and in this case use idmap_ad. If there are samba
> servers already on-site, you should base idmap configuration on what is
> deployed and in-use. There are some caveats regarding SSSD that I won't get
> into.
> So, basically, you should bite the bullet and fix things (but think
> carefully and research what the right fix is).
Bastian Sebode
Fachinformatiker Systemintegration
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