[Samba] libsmbclient support for ? < > \ : * | " characters possible?

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at powercraft.nl
Sat Jan 2 16:26:58 UTC 2021

Hello everybody,

Can we get samba/libsmbclient to support characters that are supporet on 
Linux filesystems like ? < > \ : * | "

I am having a few solutions where we use samba/smb as the communication 
layer between ext4/nfs/samba/nextcloud with inotify support ect.

Nextcloud is using php-smbclient that is talking to libsmbclient and is 
not creating exceptions when reading files that have characters that are 
not supported by native windows, which I understand but I am not having 
any Windows systems at play here.

Kind regards,

Jelle de Jong

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