[Samba] debug MS-PAC issue with NFS mounting resulted in host removed from samba DC without any notice

Jason Keltz jas at eecs.yorku.ca
Tue Feb 16 20:43:30 UTC 2021

I was trying to debug an NFS related issue with MS-PAC.

I read an article that said you can disable PAC by setting 
userAccountControl from 4096 (default) to 33554432.

I used "samba-tool computer edit <server>" to make the change.  There 
was no error.

# samba-tool computer edit j2
Modified computer 'j2' successfully

Now I wanted to see the change:

# samba-tool computer show j2 | grep -i userAccount
ERROR: Unable to find computer "j2$"


This seems very odd behaviour.


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