[Samba] samba config for guest users

Pol polhallen at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 23:50:32 UTC 2020

that key I modified is not about "guest user" on window machine but 
enable/disable access without password on shared folders :)

(sent from mobile📱)
On November 30, 2020 23:18:37 Rowland penny via samba 
<samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

> On 30/11/2020 21:53, Pol Hallen via samba wrote:
>> Hello to all :)
>> I trying to use a guest user config with win10, the problem is: I
>> cannot make modify to ALL win10 but only to someone.
>> I enabled SMB2 guest account on win10:
>> Local Group Policy editor:
>> --> Administrative Templates\Network\Lanman Workstation --> Enable
>> insecure guest logons
>> works!
>> but other win10 with standard config cannot access totally to fileserver:
>> "Windows cannot access \\DEBIAN10-1"
> OK, the guest user on Windows has absolutely nothing to do with guest
> access on a Samba standalone server, so turn Guest off on Windows again.
> A guest user on Samba, is any user that is unknown to Samba and provided
> that 'map to guest = Bad User' is set in 'global' and 'guest ok = yes'
> is set in the share, a guest user will be allowed access to the share.
> On a Samba standalone server (which is what you have), to make a user
> known, the user must be a Unix user and have been created as a Samba
> user with 'smbpasswd -a username' run as root.
> Try this smb.conf:
> [global]
>         security = user
>         map to guest = Bad User
>         log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
> [public]
>         comment = Public share
>         path = /home/users
>         read only = no
>         guest ok = yes
>         guest only = yes
> [nopublic]
>         path=/home/nopublic
>         admin users = root
>         valid users = user1, user2, user3, user4, user5
>         read only = no
> This will only allow unknown users access to the 'public' share, any
> known users will be denied. The users user1, user2, user3, user4 and
> user5 are the only users that will be allowed access to 'nopublic', but
> only if they are Unix & Samba users.
> Rowland
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