[Samba] getent doesn't works

Piviul piviul at riminilug.it
Thu Nov 26 08:13:53 UTC 2020

Rowland penny via samba ha scritto il 25/11/20 alle 11:15:
> [...]
> You are using the winbind 'ad' backend, so have you given your users a 
> uidNumber attribute containing a unique number inside the '10000-999999' 
> range AND given them a gidNumber containing a valid group gidNumber ? 
> Failing the latter, does Domain Users have a gidNumber attribute ?
I think you are shoot my problem... in effect in ldap AD I have a 
uidNumber and gidNumber but are not in the range 10000-999999. So there 
is nothing to to: I have to use the rid backend isn't it?

Thank you very much!


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