[Samba] Samba 3.6 member server auth problems after DC upgrade 2012 R2 -> 2019

Pim Zandbergen pim at zandbergen.org
Thu Nov 5 17:47:25 UTC 2020

For the record, most likely the issue was caused by the fact that 
Kerberos in Server 2019 no longer supports RC4.
Very likely, Samba 3.6 depends on that.

The issue was easily fixed by replacing the samba RPM's with the samba4 
RPM's that are available in CentOS 6.
Samba is now on version 4.2.10 which works just fine as a drop-in 

I am now demoting the 2012 R2 DC I introduced temporarily.

On 10/29/2020 7:39 PM, Pim Zandbergen via samba wrote:
> I will take your suggestion.
> Still, Samba 3.6 appears to support SMBv2 just fine.
> Windows 10 PC's and Windows 2019 Servers are able to connect as a 
> client, with SMBv1 disabled.
> As long as there's a Windows 2012 R2 server doing the backend 
> authentication.
> Pim
> On 10/29/2020 7:09 PM, Rowland penny via samba wrote:
>> I suggest you upgrade your Centos 6 server, it will go EOL in a month 
>> and Samba 3.6 went EOL quite a few years ago. Your problem is 
>> possibly something to do SMBv1, Samba 3.6 will be using it (along 
>> with ntlm auth), but you Windows DC's probably aren't.
>> Rowland

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