[Samba] AD Running - Gui with strange messages like "domain does not exist*

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Wed Nov 4 11:01:48 UTC 2020

On 04/11/2020 10:36, Maurizio Caloro via samba wrote:
> Hello
> My AD on Samba now are running! Thanks!
> # samba-tool -V
> samba-tool: no such subcommand: -V
> 4.13.2-Debian

Strange, that works for myself, but I am still using 4.12.x

root at dc4:~# samba-tool -V

> Cannot find an available server in the Caloro domain, that is running the
> Active Directory Web Service (ADWS)
That is the operative line, a Samba AD DC doesn't run ADWS, I think 
someone is working on it, but until then you will have to use other Unix 
based tools. Such tools are 'samba-tool', LAM, personal scripts, ADMan 
(https://gitlab.com/JonathonReinhart/adman/) or the upcoming cockpit module.

There are other tools available.


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