[Samba] Question about smbc_stat() and smbc_statvfs() in libsmbclient

Jeremy Allison jra at samba.org
Thu May 28 14:36:02 UTC 2020

On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 10:43:17AM +0200, Peter Eriksson wrote:
> Re: the smbc_stat() returning wrong st_uid/st_gid: Yeah, I get why it’s difficult, but perhaps it should just return -1/-1 instead? It too is wrong but probably less confusing than seeing the local user’s uid/gid there…?

Yes, -1/-1 might have been better so the caller
could at least have known we fixed it, it we
ever do. Bit late now, maybe better to fix it
for smb_statx() when we add it.

> Anyway, I’ve been working on a “grand unifying :-)” ACL managing (CLI) tool since I got tired of all the different and quite frankly confusing/frustrating tools to manage ACL currently available. So I can now use the same command on all platforms. It current builds and works for Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris & MacOS and I’ve also recently added SMB support to it (via libsmbclient, currently requires Kerberos. 
> I’ve been using smbc_getxattr() and smbc_setxattr() for reading and writing SMB ACLs, but there are some problems with that so I’ve started wondering if perhaps there is some better way I _should_ use instead? Something that doesn’t gets in the way and re-orders ACLs under my feet for example...
> ( Problems with ACLs being reordered: https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14397 )
> My tool:
> 	https://github.com/ptrrkssn/acltool

I'll try and look asap. Have you sent in the
(C) assertion ?


We'll need that to merge any large chunks
of new code.



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