[Samba] Change of DC name

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Wed Jan 22 08:22:31 UTC 2020

On 22/01/2020 02:57, Mario Codeniera via samba wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to change a DC name? as I could not see an option/argument
> to change using the classicupgrade.
> Everything works well except for the DNS which I need to point to the samba
> server for every machine clients (in my windows clients, I manually point
> it to
> samba-tool domain classicupgrade --dbdir=/usr/local/samba-dec2019/private
>   --realm=lumad.sandbox.net --dns-backend=SAMBA_INTERNAL /srv/samba/smb.conf
> root at lumad-dc1 lumad2019]# samba-tool domain info
> Forest           : lumad.sandbox.net
> Domain           : lumad.sandbox.net
> Netbios domain   : LUMAD
> *DC name          : lumad-dc1.lumad.sandbox.net

Your problem isn't that you need to change your DC name (which is 
lumad-dc1), it is that your DC appears to be in the 'lumad.sandbox.net' 
dns domain (realm must be same as the dns domain), but your DHCP server 
is handing out 'sandbox.net' as the dns domain.

There are several ways around this:

Run the classic upgrade again, but this time with your DC in the 
'sandbox.net' dns domain and with '--realm=sandbox.net' in the 
samba-tool line. This could lead to other problems as the new DC will be 
authoritative for the 'sandbox.net' dns domain and if you are using dhcp 
on that dns domain, you probably already have dns servers for that 
domain already.

Change the IP subnet so it is different from 'sandbox.net' and then run 
your own dhcp server (This could be on your DC)


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