[Samba] Windows ACLs : problems
Rowland penny
rpenny at samba.org
Tue Feb 25 13:51:10 UTC 2020
On 25/02/2020 13:37, Stefan G. Weichinger via samba wrote:
> right now, will retest.
>> OK, I give in, I will alter the wiki page, if you use the 'rid' or
>> 'autorid' backend, you can use Domain Admins, just do not give Domain
>> Admins a gidNumber.
> 1) why and how could I have done that?
Sorry, but I cannot remember just what backend everybody uses, in your
case you would have no reason too ;-)
> 2) this leads to another issue with locales and umlauts:
> I can't "chgrp domänen-admins", in german it's "domänen-admins", on bash
> shell it looks like
Have you considered moving to the UK, we don't have those funny marks
here ;-)
> ->
> # wbinfo -g
> dom�nencomputer
> dom�nencontroller
> dom�nen-admins
> dom�nen-benutzer
> dom�nen-g�ste
> # wbinfo --group-info="dom�nen-admins"
> failed to call wbcGetgrnam: WBC_ERR_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND
> Could not get info for group dom�nen-admins
> Do I have to log in with US locale?
No and if you did, I don't think it would fix this problem, is locales
setup correctly ?
If it is, you might have found a bug in wbinfo.
Having said that, you should be using 'getent group Domain Admins'
(where 'Domain Admins' is replaced with your version (sorry, but as I
said, we don't have those funny marks))
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