[Samba] preexec with win 10

Roberto Tagliaferri - Tosnet srl r.tagliaferri at tosnet.it
Fri Feb 21 14:19:11 UTC 2020

Il 21/02/20 13:02, Rowland penny via samba ha scritto:
> On 21/02/2020 11:39, Roberto Tagliaferri - Tosnet srl via samba wrote:
>> This is an extract of smbstatus
>> root at robytnuovo~# smbstatus |grep 246
>> 1877      emissionefatture  emissionefatture 
>> (ipv4: SMB3_00 
> root preexec is running the /usr/bin/log_access.php script, passing the 
> following parameters:
> "%L" : server NetBIOS name
> "%U" : session username
> "%G" : users primary group
> "%S" : share name
> "%I" : client IP address
> "%m" : client NetBIOS name
> ON
> I wonder if this problem is because you are using SMBv3 ?
Hi, thank you for the answer.
Can i (try to) set client ipc max protocol to NT1 for this share?
> What is in the log_access.php script ?

A simple echo to a file and the an insert to a db:

$L=$argv[1];    # nome NetBios del server samba
$U=$argv[2];    # nome utente
$G=$argv[3];    # gruppo dell'utente
$S=$argv[4];    # nome del dominio
$I=$argv[5];    # IP del client
$m=$argv[6];    # nome NetBios del client
$O=$argv[7];    # ON/OFF
system ("echo ".date('d/m/Y H:i')." $L $U $G $S $I $m $O 

$sql=pg_query("insert into accessi(username,log,pc) values('$U','$O','$m');");

> Rowland

	Roberto Tagliaferri

Responsabile Progettazione & Produzione
TosNet s.r.l. - Internet Service Provider
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