[Samba] Mac OS and interpretation of @ in a username. Ex user at mds.xyz doesn't work on Mac OS but does on Win 10

TomK tomkcpr at mdevsys.com
Fri Feb 21 05:52:16 UTC 2020

Hey Guy's,

When the user is 'joe at mds.xyz' login works fine on Win 10.  Same user 
types on a Mac OS gives

[ Mac OS - Fails ]

[2020/02/21 00:03:16.960566,  5, pid=12382, effective(0, 0), real(0, 0), 
class=auth] ../source3/auth/auth_util.c:126(make_user_info_map)
   Mapping user [mds.xyz]\[joe] from workstation [SERVER-PBM]

[ Win 10 - Works ]

	[2020/02/20 23:58:01.059514,  5, pid=11929, effective(0, 0), real(0, 
0), class=auth] ../source3/auth/auth_util.c:126(make_user_info_map)
   Mapping user []\[joe at mds.xyz] from workstation [JOHN-PC]

User types in both cases is: joe at mds.xyz

Apparetly the @ symbol is throwing things off.   Perhaps the Mac is 
interpreting joe at mds.xyz to mean user 'joe' at host 'mds.xyz', splits 
them up then fails to login?

What could be the issue here?


# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
# See smb.conf.example for a more detailed config file or
# read the smb.conf manpage.
# Run 'testparm' to verify the config is correct after
# you modified it.

         workgroup = SAMBA
         security = user

         passdb backend = tdbsam

         printing = cups
         printcap name = cups
         load printers = yes
         cups options = raw
         log level = 4
         max protocol = SMB3
         min protocol = NT1
         local master = no
         realm = *

         comment = Home Directories
         valid users = %S, %D%w%S
         browseable = No
         read only = No
         inherit acls = Yes

         comment = All Printers
         path = /var/tmp
         printable = Yes
         create mask = 0600
         browseable = No

         comment = NFS Shared Storage - bob
         path = /n/mds.xyz/bob
         valid users = bob at mds.xyz
         public = no
         writable = yes
         read only = no
         browseable = yes
         guest ok = no
         printable = no
         write list = bob at mds.xyz
         directory mask = 0775
         create mask = 664

         comment = NFS Shared Storage - joe
         path = /n/mds.xyz/joe
         valid users = joe at mds.xyz
         public = no
         writable = yes
         read only = no
         browseable = yes
         guest ok = yes
         printable = no
         write list = joe at mds.xyz
         directory mask = 0775
         create mask = 664

         comment = NFS Shared Storage - root
         path = /n
         valid users = root
         public = no
         writable = yes
         read only = no
         browseable = yes
         guest ok = no
         printable = no
         write list = root
         directory mask = 0775
         create mask = 664

         comment = Printer Drivers
         path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
         write list = @printadmin root
         force group = @printadmin
         create mask = 0664
         directory mask = 0775

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