[Samba] smbd fails to start after upgrade to version 4.11.6

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Wed Feb 5 18:18:06 UTC 2020

On 05/02/2020 17:51, Roy Eastwood wrote:
> Hi Rowland,
>> OK, my computer is now running on eth0 and has the two lines in smb.conf and it works.
> Let me get this right - with the two lines in smb.conf on your pi:
> 	When using wlan0, smbd fails and core dumps?
I haven't tested this on my rpi4 yet, I will though.
> 	When using eth0, smbd starts ok?
No, this is what I have tested, add the lines, restart smbd and it 
panics, remove the lines and restart smbd and it is OK.
> If so that's not my experience, though I don’t use wlan0.
Neither do I.
>> So, a few thoughts based on what we already know:
>> It seemingly only occurs on a Raspberry pi
>> It only occurs if the Samba version is 4.11.x (is this true ?)
> No, it was OK on 4.11.4 - only after I upgraded to 4.11.6 using Louis' repo BUT there were a load of other changes done at the same time in areas seemingly unrelated to samba, so one of these could be the cause as well.

So something happened between 4.11.4 and 4.11.6, though as you say, a 
lot of other things changed as well. I have my suspicions, but will not 
say what.


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