[Samba] smbd fails to start after upgrade to version 4.11.6

L.P.H. van Belle belle at bazuin.nl
Wed Feb 5 15:27:59 UTC 2020

> So, a few thoughts based on what we already know:
> It seemingly only occurs on a Raspberry pi
Yes, but.. 
- Only on Raspbian buster armhf ?? 
- Only on Debian buster armhf  ( Dirk is going to test this tonight ). ?? 
Or ?? Both ?? 

And, there are reports of failty mainboards of the Pi4. 
Where simular things happen..

> It only occurs if the Samba version is 4.11.x (is this true ?)
Roy noticed it with 4.11.6, it did not happen in 4.11.4 also my repo. 

> It seemingly only occurs if the eth0 interface is being used 
> (again is this true ?)

> We need to know if this happens with the standard Raspbian Samba 
> packages, I think I will post on the Rpi forum and ask.

I suggest wait untill Dirk kan confirms it with the Debian Buster armhf build. 



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