[Samba] accessing foreign AD users to NT domain

Piviul piviul at riminilug.it
Thu Aug 27 13:42:08 UTC 2020

Marco Gaiarin via samba ha scritto il 26/08/20 alle 15:45:
> [...]
> Bingo! Because, apart some strange multidomain/trusted domain
> configuration, explicit the domain does not harm at all, i think you can
> simply modify your netlogon scripts to include
> '/user:NT4DOM\%username%'.
> Right?
not so much... AS I have said users don't use mapped network but browse 
the network and save  shortcut to shares on their folders

> This does not solve the doubt 'why worked and now no more', and 'is is
> a client or a server change', but...
I'd really like to know why previously worked and now no more...

Best regards


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