[Samba] Migrating SAMBA 3 NT4 domain to SAMBA 4 AD

Piviul piviul at riminilug.it
Wed Aug 26 08:39:29 UTC 2020

Rowland penny via samba ha scritto il 24/08/20 alle 16:36:
> On 24/08/2020 15:25, K.R. Foley wrote:
>> Let me rephrase the question. Just for my understanding. If a client 
>> has communicated with an AD DC, but we now want to roll back. If we 
>> remove the AD DC from the network, is it possible to get the client to 
>> communicate with the NT4-style PDC again?
> OK, let me be as clear:
> NO
...just for better understand: if I power off the AD and I power ON the 
old NT domain, all clients that didn't communicate to the new AD will 
don't have problems to communicate with the old NT domain didn't it?


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