[Samba] accessing foreign AD users to NT domain

Piviul piviul at riminilug.it
Wed Aug 26 08:26:00 UTC 2020

Rowland penny via samba ha scritto il 25/08/20 alle 18:20:
> [...]
> Even though your users may have the same username in AD as in the 
> NT4-style domain, they are different users, so a few thoughts. You have 
> 'map to guest = bad user', so I take it you must have 'guest ok = yes' 
> set in the shares (you haven't shown us the shares), 
in effect there is no guest ok = yes in shares...

> so try changing 
> 'bad user' to 'bad password'. The only other thing I can think of at the 
> moment is to remove 'winbind use default domain = yes'
done, changed "map to guest" to "bad password" but nothing changed...



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