[Samba] how to use root preexec on user share with %U not as root user

Alex MacCuish alex at maccuish.org.uk
Thu Apr 30 12:44:40 UTC 2020

Just thought I'd add something. If I remember correctly, you wouldn't 
necessarily see the creation of redirected folders on first login unless 
you've configured GP application to be synchronous (wait on network). I 
believe the default (though it varies by Windows version), is that 
because of asynchronous GP application, redirected folders only start 
working on the second login.

With regards to the profile folder, again I can't remember exactly, but 
I believe on logon, Windows will lookup the profile so it can download 
it. It won't find one on first logon, so Windows creates a profile 
locally, which is then uploaded as normal at the end of the session on 
logoff to the profile path. After that, the profile is then downloaded 
again on next login.

As many have said in this thread, the profile path, home directory and 
redirected folder are all different things that can be made to work 
together, but it's important to understand what they all do. E.g. in my 
network, I have the "home directory" set to a folder per user in a 
share. The profile path is then set to a folder WITHIN this folder. 
Finally, I redirect certain folders to this user folder.

On 30/04/2020 00:25, Jelle de Jong via samba wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I am trying to get samba 4 to make a user dir without the use of ADUC 
> to set the homeDirectory, but with samba-tool user create only.
> I created a root preexec but the %U is filled with root and not the 
> username of the user.
> I need to user [users] and not the old [homes] because I got a GPO for 
> redirection to the //server/users/%USERNAME% and I need this folder to 
> be created before the first logon of the user otherwise it seems to go 
> bad.
> [users]
>     path = /srv/storage/users/
>     read only = No
>     root preexec = /usr/local/bin/samba-mkdir-home %U
> PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin/
> if [ ! -e /srv/storage/users/$1 ]; then
>     mkdir /srv/storage/users/$1
>     chown "$1":"domain user" /srv/storage/users/$1
> fi
> Kind regards,
> Jelle de Jong

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