[Samba] Removing IP address from DC

William Edwards wedwards at cyberfusion.nl
Thu Apr 30 08:15:52 UTC 2020


I am working on removing IPv4 from our AD DC machines, so they operate with only IPv6. I have removed the machine's IPv4 addresses. It is no surprise, though, that the IPv4 address still appears in Samba DNS (can be seen when running 'samba_dnsupdate --verbose'). I am aware of the documentation for changing an AD DC's IP address[1], but I could not find documentation regarding removing an IP address.

Q: How do I remove the old IPv4 address from Samba DNS (and possibly other places)?

[1]: https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Changing_the_IP_Address_of_a_Samba_AD_DC

Met vriendelijke groeten,

William Edwards
T. 040 - 711 44 96
E. wedwards at cyberfusion.nl

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