[Samba] Giving up AD Default Site

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Fri Apr 24 13:18:55 UTC 2020

On 24/04/2020 13:15, Henning Kessler via samba wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a newbee on this list and hopefully someone can give me an advice regarding my question.
> I have a small Samba AD configured with 2 DCs in each of two Sites: the Default Site and a Branch Office. Now the company wants shutdown the Default Site and move everything into the Branch Office. How should I handle this? Just transferring the FSMO roles from the primary DC on the Default Site to a DC in the Branch Office and then demote the two DCs in Default Site and then deleting the Default Site?
> Any help or hints are highly appreciated
> Regards
> Henning Kessler

The only thing wrong with that is that you referred to the DC that holds 
the FSMO roles as the 'primary DC', there is no such thing as a primary 
DC, all DC's are equal except for the FSMO roles and they can be on any DC.

You do not need to use the default site, it is just there to save having 
to create one.


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