[Samba] Samba-tool error after update to 4.12.0

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Thu Apr 16 11:04:52 UTC 2020

On 16/04/2020 11:33, L.P.H. van Belle via samba wrote:
> And if im correct you dont see these anymore.
>> ldb: unable to dlopen /usr/lib64/samba/ldb/local_password.so :
>> /usr/lib64/samba/libsamdb-common-samba4.so: version `SAMBA_4.11.6' not

Even though Andrew says that modules have been removed (what modules ?), 
on a self compiled Samba the '.so' files in /usr/lib64 shouldn't be used 
if the path is correct.

When you compile Samba yourself, by default everything ends up in 
/usr/local/samba. If you then run /usr/local/samba/bin/samba-tool, then 
it should use the libs under /usr/local/samba, not the ones under 
/usr/lib64/samba. Also, if you have just compiled 4.12.0, it shouldn't 
attempt to use libs from 4.11.6

The last time this happened (as far as I can recall) was when the Samba 
python time.py was removed, but this was because it wasn't removed from 
on disk and Samba still used it, instead of the standard python 'time' 

So, if you compile Samba yourself './configure && make && sudo make 
install', it will just overwrite what is in /usr/local/samba on a like 
for like basis, but anything that no longer gets compiled will not get 
removed. However, self compiled Samba shouldn't use Samba modules 
outside /usr/local/samba.


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