[Samba] Azure AD Connect

Marcio Merlone marcio.merlone at a1.ind.br
Wed Apr 8 15:02:56 UTC 2020

Brainstorming on this issue, how about creating a NEW AD domain on azure 
and make them trust each other?

For example, suppose I already have my working XPTO domain 
(xpto.domain.tld) running on samba. I then create an ACME domain 
(acme.domain.tld) on Azure and then put them to work together on a trust 

Em 30/03/2020 10:05, Marcio Merlone via samba escreveu:
> Hi,
> We are preparing to migrate our mail server to Azure and would like to 
> integrate it vi AD Connect with our AD - Samba 4.7 upgrading to 4.11 
> (Thanks Louis!).
> Anyone willing to share the experience? I see on some not-so-old posts 
> there is a problem syncing password hashes, but since samba is an ever 
> evolving solution I would like to know how are you dealing with this?
> Thanks and best regards.
*Marcio Merlone*

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