[Samba] FMSO transfer gone wrong

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Sun Apr 5 18:11:43 UTC 2020

On 05/04/2020 19:02, Denis CARDON via samba wrote:
> First you should double check your dns configuration (/etc/resolv.conf 
> and /etc/krb5.conf). If you are using bind-dlz double check that is it 
> really started. In more recent version it does not startup if there is 
> on NS record in every zone (which include reverse zones).
Check /var/log/syslog, it will tell you if Bind9 started or not.
> For the seize command I think there is a --force option, otherwise it 
> starts with a transfer that may timeout first before really sizing the 
> roles.
Yes, there is a '--force' option and transfer is attempted first and it 
will probably always fail because nobody ever supplies a username and 
password and you need them to transfer the dns fsmo roles.


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