[Samba] FMSO transfer gone wrong

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Sun Apr 5 17:14:40 UTC 2020

On 05/04/2020 17:47, Arne Zachlod via samba wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm currently in the process of updating our Samba environment from 
> 4.3 to 4.11. Looks like I did something wrong. Some pointers would be 
> much appreciated.
> Since I wanted to migrate from Ubuntu to Debian anyway, I decided to 
> not upgrade in place, but instead create new VMs, join them and then 
> remove the old 4.3 ones. Everything went well until I also wanted to 
> transfer FSMO roles to a new VM.
> Since 'samba-tool fsmo transfer --role=all' didn't work, I decided to 
> use seize instead. There was no error output other than the expected 
> error that the transfer didn't work and I shut the old FSMO master DC 
> down.
> So, now nothing really works as expected: the other DCs didn't get the 
> memo to change to the new FSMO master DC and I cant find any 
> documentation on how to change that by hand.
> Also, drs showrepl request take forever to finish on the now 
> disconnected DCs while they just timeout on the FSMO master.

Hmm, 4.3.x to 4.11.0, are smbd & winbind running, or is just samba running ?

Your new DC could be re-indexing, if so just wait.


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