[Samba] GPO for Computer/Machine not working

Martin Tessun martin.tessun at gmx.de
Thu Oct 31 09:03:38 UTC 2019

Hi all,

On 21.10.19 17:38, Martin Tessun wrote:
> Hi Rowland,
> On 20.10.19 19:16, Rowland penny wrote:
>> On 20/10/2019 16:52, Martin Tessun via samba wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am having the same issue that is described in an older thread 
>>> here: https://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2018-February/213656.html
>>> The problem I am facing is that the machine accounts are not trusted 
>>> in the domain (this is true for all Win 10 Systems). The issue with 
>>> the computer is from my pov:
>>>     Folgende herausgefilterte Gruppenrichtlinien werdennicht 
>>> angewendet.
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>         Local Admins Policy
>>>             Filterung:  Verweigert (Sicherheit)
>>>         Default Domain Policy
>>>             Filterung:  Verweigert (Sicherheit)
>>>         Richtlinien der lokalen Gruppe
>>>             Filterung:  Nicht angewendet (Leer)
>>>     Der Computer ist Mitglied der folgenden Sicherheitsgruppen
>>>     ----------------------------------------------------------
>>>         NULL SID
>>>         NETZWERK
>>>         Diese Organisation
>>>         Nicht vertrauenswürdige Verbindlichkeitsstufe
>>> Sorry, the Windows is German unfortunately, but what is happening is 
>>> mainly that the PC doesn not have access to the SYSVOL share, as the 
>>> Computer Account is not part of the correct security groups´(see 
>>> above), but instead is part of:
>>> - NULL SID
>>> - Untrusted Mandatory Level
>>> From my PoV the Computer should be part of:
>>> - Authenticated Users
>>> - Domain Computers
>>> - High Mandatory Level
>>> This is not the case and the reason the machine does not get access 
>>> to the sysvol. This can also be seen within the details, as the 
>>> gpt.ini can't be accessed (Policy Version 65535):
>>> Verknüpfungsort ad.die-tessuns.de
>>> Konfigurierte Erweiterungen {827D319E-6EAC-11D2-A4EA-00C04F79F83A}
>>> Erzwungen Nein
>>> Deaktiviert Keine
>>> Sicherheitsfilter NT-AUTORITÄT\Authentifizierte Benutzer
>>> Revision AD (2), SYSVOL (65535)
>>> WMI-Filter
>>> Grund: abgelehnt Zugriff verweigert (Sicherheitsfilterung)
>>> Whereas the User has the correct security Groups:
>>>    Der Benutzer ist Mitglied der folgenden Sicherheitsgruppen
>>>     ----------------------------------------------------------
>>>         Domain Users
>>>         Jeder
>>>         Benutzer
>>>         INTERAKTIV
>>>         Authentifizierte Benutzer
>>>         Diese Organisation
>>>         LOKAL
>>>         Local Admins
>>>         Hohe Verbindlichkeitsstufe
>>> So in English:
>>> - Domain Users
>>> - Everyone
>>> - Users
>>> - Console Logon
>>> - Authenticated User
>>> - This Organization
>>> - Local
>>> - Local Admins
>>> - High Mandatory Level
>>> Rejoining the Computer does not make any difference as well as 
>>> adjusting the SYSVOL permissions as described in several threads. So 
>>> from my pov the right thing to solve this issue is to get the 
>>> computer account to the correct trustlevel/security group membership.
>>> Unfortunately I found no way doing so.
>>> So if anyone has an idea on what to do here would be greatly 
>>> appreciated (BTW. Looking at effective user rights for the SYSVOL 
>>> shares the machine account <COMPUTERNAME>$ as well as SYSTEM should 
>>> have access rights. Unfortunately the GPO thinks otherwise.
>>> Also note that Computer GPO is the only thing that is not working. 
>>> And I also tried all the solution proposals listed in the 
>>> aforementioned thread already - as expected with no success.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Martin
>> Just to make sure, are you modifying either of the two default GPOs ?
> This doesn't make any difference at all. I tried it with the Default 
> Domain Policy as well as a separate policy. The results are all the 
> same. As said, I tried all the proposed solutions in the old thread I 
> linked.
> Please also note that all GPOs for Users get applied and work (as the 
> users have the "correct" Security Groups), but computer accounts are 
> not able to apply the GPO.
> Even opening up the SYSVOL share for everyone does not help - as the 
> machine is part of "NULL SID" and "Untrusted Mandatory Level" which 
> leads to the machine account not having any access to any share in the 
> domain regardless of its security.
> The machine account itself is in "Domain Computers" and if I check the 
> %COMPUTERNAME%$ account to the share it *should* have access.
> Unfortunately the GPO tooling of Microsoft thinks differently - that 
> is why it is not part of "Authenticated Users" as it should be 
> according to MS.
> This is how a machine/computer should look like in terms of Security 
> Groups in AD (at the very least):
> The computer is a part of the following security groups:
> --------------------------------------------------------
>     Everyone
>     NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
> And this is what my machines in the Samba domain all look like 
> (according to gpresult):
> The computer is a part of the following security groups:
> --------------------------------------------------------
>         NULL SID
>         NETWORK
>         Untrusted Mandatory Level
> And that exact mismatch to what MS says a machine account should be 
> and what all my Samba accounts are seems to be the issue from my PoV. 
> The machine is neither part of "Everyone" nor of "Authenticated Users" 
> security group, which it should - also see e.g. 
> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2003/cc759506(v=ws.10)?redirectedfrom=MSDN

Really no one knows something? Can someone with working Computer GPOs 
please check the security group of his/her computer? So the main 
question is: Are the (from my pov) wrong security groups for the machine 
account the real issue?

Also: Why does the %COMPUTERNAME%$-Account show up in the correct 
security groups, while gpresult shows the computer is not trusted. All 
other things work (Authentication, Mounting shares, etc.) - just the GPO 
shows these strange results and is not working.


> Cheers,
> Martin
>> Rowland

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