[Samba] creating user directories with default group

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Wed Oct 16 07:05:59 UTC 2019

On 15/10/2019 22:56, Stephen Atkins via samba wrote:
> Hello. I've got my AD DC working and I can login with various user 
> accounts and domain admin accounts.  I've got the home directory being 
> create when I create the user profile.  Only problem is that it 
> creates it with a group of "domain users" withe a permissions of 
> rwxrwx---.  I would like the default group be "domain admins" for 
> every created home dir.  Is this possible?  If not I can manually 
> change this after wards but it would be nice not to.
> Thanks.

Probably not, mainly because all AD users get 'Domain Users' as their 
default group. There are ways around this, but not on a DC (which isn't 
recommended as a fileserver).

Can you post your smb.conf.


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