[Samba] Detect version of smb being employed

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Mon Oct 14 12:47:34 UTC 2019

On 14/10/2019 13:27, Gerard Seibert via samba wrote:
> FreeBSD 12
> Samba 4.8.12
> Samba is not showing up on my Win 10 PRO machine. I can access the
> shares if I use the machines hostname or IP, though. How can I
> determine what version of “smb” is being used? I have set “client max
> protocol = SMB3” in the config file; however, I am not sure if it is
> being used.
Hmm, so you set 'client max protocol' to SMB3 which means SMB3_11 and 
this is the default, so you haven't really set anything ;-)

Your problem is the lack of SMBv1, you must have this for network 
browsing, Samba stopped using SMBv1 when 4.5.0 was released and Windows 
has also turned it off on Win10, though you can still turn it back on 
again on both.

Windows will negotiate the highest protocol possible.


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