[Samba] sysvolreset optimization

Simon FONTENEAU sfonteneau at tranquil.it
Fri May 24 09:25:38 UTC 2019


I'm trying to improve the performance of "samba-tool ntacl sysvolreset" 
on samba.
Indeed I have a lot of gpo and over 10 000 files in the sysvol.

After some diagnosis I found why the "samba-tool ntacl sysvolreset" is slow.
The problem is in samba/ntacls.py in the setntacl function, the call to 
smbd.set_nt_ac is too slow.

I would like to make sure that in the setntacl function, the call to 
smbd.set_nt_acl is done only if rights need to be reset, so to save time.

I would like to do something like this at the end of the function:

if getntacl (lp, file, None, None, direct_db_access = False, service = 
None) .as_sddl(sid) == sd.as_sddl(sid):

But I can not get getntacl to work correctly in the ntacls.py file

Do you think my suggested method could work ?


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