[Samba] Incorrect Example in Samba User Management Documentation

Stephen stephen at ogdenradar.com
Fri May 3 09:45:43 UTC 2019

Hi Samba documentation admins, one of the the examples given on this 
page https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/User_and_Group_management is 
incorrect and probably should be updated.

The snippet of code in question:

$ samba-tool user add fbaggins
   --random-password --use-username-as-cn
   --surname="Baggins" --given-name="Frodo"
   --initials=S --mail-address=fbaggins at SAM.DOMAIN.LOCAL.
   --company="Hobbiton Inc." --script-path=shire.bat
   --job-title="Goes there and back again"

This won't work as presented currently. As I rediscovered myself 
recently the --random-password switch is intended ONLY to be used to 
secure system accounts that perform background tasks. Whilst 
--random-password sets a random password, the chosen password is 
deliberately and on purpose not revealed to the end user. So it cannot 
be used to create user accounts for human beings as the example in the 
documentation currently suggests.

Stephen Ellwood

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