[Samba] classicupgrade, net rpc rights grant NT_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT and NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR

Christian chanlists at googlemail.com
Mon Mar 11 06:16:30 UTC 2019

Dear all,

we are transitioning from an openldap / MIT KDC setup to a samba4 AD. I
am doing this by setting up a samba NT4 domain, populating it from LDAP
and sticking in the password hashes which I automatically extract from
the MIT KDC arc4-hmac keys. Then I run the classicupgrade. I do this
whole thing from cron in a script once a day to be able to slowly
migrate services. The MIT / openldap and samba4 AD servers are on
different machines. My script (based on LPHvB's instructions) sets
privileges in the following way:


systemctl restart bind9 ntp samba-ad-dc
sleep 5
PRIVS="SeDiskOperatorPrivilege SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege \
SeBackupPrivilege SeRestorePrivilege SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege \
SePrintOperatorPrivilege SeAddUsersPrivilege SeDiskOperatorPrivilege \
SeSecurityPrivilege SeSystemtimePrivilege SeShutdownPrivilege \
SeDebugPrivilege SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege SeSystemProfilePrivilege \
SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege \
SeLoadDriverPrivilege SeCreatePagefilePrivilege \
SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege SeChangeNotifyPrivilege SeUndockPrivilege \
SeManageVolumePrivilege SeImpersonatePrivilege SeCreateGlobalPrivilege \

samba-tool user setpassword Administrator \
echo "$SAMBA_NT_ADMIN_PASS" | kinit Administrator
for priv in $PRIVS ; do
  while ! net rpc rights grant "${SAMBA_DC_ADMIN_GROUP_CHOICE}" $priv \
            -U "Administrator%$SAMBA_NT_ADMIN_PASS" ; do
    echo "Failed to grant $priv ... Retrying ..."
    sleep 10

Upon running this, I often get NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR or

Changed password OK
Password for Administrator at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:
Could not connect to server
Connection failed: NT_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT
Failed to grant SeDiskOperatorPrivilege ... Retrying ...
Could not connect to server
Connection failed: NT_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT
Failed to grant SeDiskOperatorPrivilege ... Retrying ...
Could not connect to server
Failed to grant SeDiskOperatorPrivilege ... Retrying ...
Successfully granted rights.
Successfully granted rights.
Successfully granted rights.

Why would that happen? I can put in as much wait time as I want after
the initial service restart, and it still happens. I obviously work
around it by repeating until it proceeds, but I do not understand why
this is necessary. Any hints would be appreciated... Thanks,


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