[Samba] nobody account already in shared directory write list, can not write

谷雷 guleicarter at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 02:53:12 UTC 2019


Thanks for your help. I have tried what you say, and i works. 

But it’s very strange that i can not reproduce this using my old config.

There is more detail about this:
	I have 4 standalone samba server with same samba software and smb.conf. 
	I got the problem at the same time in all 4 server, and when i change smb.conf as you suggest on one of them,
	the problem disappear on other 3 server with old smb.conf.

So I wanna know do you have some idea about this?
> 在 2019年1月23日,16:50,Rowland Penny via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> 写道:
> On Wed, 23 Jan 2019 14:59:38 +0800
> 谷雷 via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> 	Now I have a directory shared with anonymous account nobody.
>> And I have add it to the write list of my share. When i mount it by
>> windows 10, I create a sample file name test.txt, I check it in
>> backend file system looks like this:
>> 		-rwxr—r— 1 nobody nobody test.txt
>> 	 I can delete/create/rename a file, but can not write into
>> it. Please help me.
>> 	My samba version is 4.4.4, samba server is CentOS, and the
>> directory mode is 777, my smb.conf as below: [global]
>> 	server string = Samba Server Version %v
>> 	log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
>> 	browseable=no
>> 	guest ok = no
>> 	security = user
>> 	map to guest = bad user
>> 	load printers = no
>> 	printing = bad
>> 	printcap name = /dev/null
>> 	disable spools = yes
>> 	workgroup = HIKNAS
>> 	netbios name = fs01
>> [gltest]
>> 	comment = 
>> 	path = /mnt/gltest
>> 	public = yes
>> 	writeable = yes
>> 	valid users = nobody
>> 	write list = nobody
>> 	directory mask = 0755
> Try it like this:
> [global]
> 	workgroup = HIKNAS
> 	netbios name = fs01
> 	security = user
> 	server string = Samba Server Version %v
> 	log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
> 	map to guest = bad user
> 	load printers = no
> 	printing = bad
> 	printcap name = /dev/null
> 	disable spools = yes
> [gltest]
> 	path = /mnt/gltest
> 	browseable=no
> 	guest ok = yes
>        read only = no
> 	guest only = yes
> You can find more info about using Samba as a standalone server here:
> https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Setting_up_Samba_as_a_Standalone_Server
> Rowland
> -- 
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