[Samba] Online backup of domain fails

Benedikt Kaleß benedikt.kaless at forumZFD.de
Sat Jan 12 15:27:06 UTC 2019

Hi Tim,

What we did:
setting "log level = 10" in smb.conf
then exdcute the following command:
samba-tool domain backup online --server=addc3 --targetdir=/root -k yes >backup.txt 2>&1

Then we grep for the message with "call_nt_transact_query_security_desc"
 grep call_nt_transact_query_security_desc backup.txt
And got nothing :-(

still the same errormessage about the missing access rights

I will wait for samba 4.10. ;)

Best regards and thanks for your support!



Entschieden für Frieden|Committed to Peace

Benedikt Kaleß
Leiter Team IT|Head team IT

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