[Samba] upgrade to 4.8.3 authentication not work without specifying domain

Alberto Maria Fiaschi alberto.fiaschi at estar.toscana.it
Fri Jan 11 09:54:24 UTC 2019

Il 11/01/19 10:39, Rowland Penny via samba ha scritto:

> It might help if you gave us more info, what did you update from and
> to ?
i upgrade from version 4.7 . ldap backend , CLASSIC PRIMARY DOMAIN 

> As for your users changing their habits, you are in charge, if you tell
> them they have to change, they will change.
Have you ever talked to a surgeon?
It is not he who must adapt to the world, but the world that must adapt 
to him.
reasoning with an absolute monarch would be easier.
> You also really need to update your computers, XP has been EOL for a
> few years now and 7 will go EOL before long.

I know . If I could change them .... but I'm in a public reality with a 
limited budget. And in the IT sector, it invests less than 0.1% of its 


> Rowland
*Alberto Maria Fiaschi*
/UOC: / Reti e Sistemi Area Nord-Ovest
/Dip.to: / Tecnologie Informatiche

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