[Samba] upgrade to 4.8.3 authentication not work without specifying domain

L.P.H. van Belle belle at bazuin.nl
Fri Jan 11 09:06:34 UTC 2019


> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: samba [mailto:samba-bounces at lists.samba.org] Namens 
> Alberto Maria Fiaschi via samba
> Verzonden: vrijdag 11 januari 2019 9:32
> Aan: samba at lists.samba.org
> Onderwerp: [Samba] upgrade to 4.8.3 authentication not work 
> without specifying domain
> I updated a centos 7 without changing the samba configuration. Before 
> authentication worked even without having to specify the domain to the 
> logon. After the update, on the other hand, it is mandatory to specify the domain.
Updated from version to version? ( os and samba please ) 

Yes as MS also changed in windows its default. 

> user password: not work.
> domain \ user password work.
> I have 5000 windows (xp / 7/10) clients not in domain. 
> Client workgroups are varied. 
> Users are not expert at all and are not able to change their habits.

Ok, now are you using "WorkGroup" or an DOMAIN? 
In case of domain, you cat pre-set the DOMAIN through GPO. 
I have also user that wont change ther habits.. ;-) 

Set it in the computer GPO at templates/system/logon DefaultDomain. 
Example : http://www.grouppolicy.biz/2010/06/group-policy-setting-of-the-week-29-assign-a-default-domain-for-logon/ ) 

> Please help me !!
Hope it helps you a bit. 

> tanks
> Buda
> -- 
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> *Alberto Maria Fiaschi*
> /UOC: / Reti e Sistemi Area Nord-Ovest
> /Dip.to: / Tecnologie Informatiche
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