[Samba] UID provided by rid idmap is out of the range imposed in smb.cof
Andrea Cucciarre'
acucciarre at cloudian.com
Tue Feb 26 12:57:06 UTC 2019
I had a problem with Samba winbind id-mappingĀ on a system that is part
of an AD domain.
In the smb.conf I have the following setting:
idmap config <domain> : backend = rid
idmap config <domain> : range = 1000000-3000000
idmap config <domain> : schema_mode = rfc2307
winbindd was failing to convert some user SID to UID and in the idmap
logs I have the following error:
Requested id (7003151) out of range (1000000 - 3000000). Filtered!
I have fixed the issue by increasing the range to 1000000-10000000.
So it appears that depending on the user SID, the UID generated
automatically by Samba rid could be out of the range imposed in smb.conf.
Is it a bug or I'm just misunderstanding?
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