[Samba] Debian 9.8 and vanbelle-repos
Stefan G. Weichinger
lists at xunil.at
Fri Feb 22 08:12:01 UTC 2019
Am 21.02.19 um 19:19 schrieb Stefan G. Weichinger via samba:
> Am 21.02.19 um 16:51 schrieb Stefan G. Weichinger via samba:
>> Am 21.02.19 um 15:49 schrieb L.P.H. van Belle via samba:
>>> Or...
>>> Set the creator group option.
>>> [Daten]
>>> comment = Daten
>>> create mask = 3660
>>> directory mask = 3770
>> did so, they test now. thanks
> username and groupname aren't "mapped" into stuff like ls , smbstatus etc
> nsswitch.conf?
and ....
somehow something is wrong here and I can't spot it so far
this morning they couldn't reach samba, after a restart of samba it
worked again
The only changes this week were:
* upgrade to debian 9.8
* installation of docker daemon on that server
We faced a problem with backup (Amanda ...) as well, so I disabled
docker yesterday evening and flushed the iptables. So docker wasn't up
this morning.
I know of the option to forbid docker to mess with the iptables ... in
general we ran without any rules on that machine. Will test that.
But why a failure without rules?
and why that username issue mentioned above?
Could debian 9.8 have broken something by changing a library or so?
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