[Samba] Schedule samba backup

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Thu Aug 29 14:21:26 UTC 2019

On 29/08/2019 13:23, Trenta sis via samba wrote:
> Hi,
> I was using samba backup offline, but seems that now is not working, a
> bug is reported.
> As a workaround I want to use online backup:
> sudo samba-tool domain backup online --targetdir=<output-dir>
> --server=<DC-server> -UAdministrator
> Asking password in interative mode works, but I need to automate to
> execute from crontab without asking pwd, how can I do this with
> security?
> Thanks
I would have suggested using kerberos instead:

samba-tool domain backup online --targetdir=<output-dir> 
--server=<DC-server> -k yes

Only problem is, it doesn't work, you still get asked for Administrators 
password, this is from this line in domain_backup.py:

         smb_conn = smb_sysvol_conn(server, lp, creds)

It looks like the kerberos credentials are not passed down the stack, to 
not get asked for the password, you have to use this:

samba-tool domain backup online --targetdir=/root/ --server=dc4 
-UAdministrator --password=xxxxxxxxxx

Do you want to store 'Administrators'  password in a crontab ?


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