[Samba] [OT?] W10, SYSTEM, guest access.

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Thu Aug 29 10:29:59 UTC 2019

On 29/08/2019 11:18, Marco Gaiarin via samba wrote:
> Mandi! Rowland penny via samba
>    In chel di` si favelave...
>> Are you also aware the the Guest user is turned off on Windows 10 by default?
> Aware yes, but i supposed was related to guest access TO the client,
> not guest access OF the client to server share...
> But, i'll give it a try. Thanks.
I wasn't suggesting using the Windows Guest user, I was just pointing 
out that it was turned off by default on W10 and if you are trying to 
use it, then it will fail.

What is holding the share ?

if it is a Samba machine then post its smb.conf, if it isn't, then try 
asking on a more appropriate mailing list.


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